Hi all. :e
First and foremost, million thanks extended to Nurul Filzah Bt Bakhtiar for drawing me as her subject for creative image's assignment (Lesson 1) . Here is her drawing:

Oh ya! I do want to share my digital drawing of Mohamad Akmal. Boring.. Nothing to do so I just play around with Photoshop. Sadly, I am not a Illustrator person. Urrrgghh.. how unfortunate :| Um..no worries. I can do it. Just need some time to adapt with Illustrator.
"Makan bola, mandi bola, tido bola" ---> "Makan Illustrator, Mandi Illustrator, Tidur Illustrator"
"Makan bola, mandi bola, tido bola" ---> "Makan Illustrator, Mandi Illustrator, Tidur Illustrator"